Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association
Neighbourhood Watch Logo

An Association of Districts

Neighbourhood Watch is led by National Neighbourhood Watch, one of the largest voluntary charities in the UK. National Neighbourhood Watch sets out the overall strategy and aims of Neighbourhood Watch and provides support and guidance to all who are Neighbourhood Watch Members. All our members agree to the terms and conditions, standards and ethics of Neighbourhood Watch when they join.

Neighbourhood Watch is normally organised locally by a Force Association which matches the area of the police force boundaries where they are located. Where a Force Association does not exist, National Neighbourhood Watch will perform this role. In Cambridgeshire the Force Association is Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association which has the overall responsibility for managing Neighbourhood Watch in the entire Cambridgeshire Police Force area.

Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (CNWA) is managed by the CNWA Executive Committee. In common with the National Association, CNWA is a not for profit organisation, non-party in politics, non-sectarian in religion, and we operate equal opportunities and non-discriminatory policies embracing the diversity in our communities.

Cambs Districts

CNWA is made up of six Neighbourhood Watch Districts, Peterborough Neighbourhood Watch Association, East Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association, Fenland, South Cambridgeshire, Cambridge City and Huntingdonshire Association.

Each district is part of the Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (CNWA) are guided by the executive committee. All districts are invited to appoint members to join the executive committee so that there is a fair representation for every district. This provides an equal opportunity to voice opinions and influence the decisions made by the executive committee which has the responsibility of managing Neighbourhood Watch across the whole force area. Cambridgeshire Constabulary are also represented on the Executive to ensure that our partnership working remains supportive of our police partner. The CNWA boundaries match the boundaries of Cambridgeshire Constabulary to further reinforce the consistency of approach and opportunity for the entire force area. .

All approved local Neighbourhood Watch Schemes are located in one of the six Neighbourhood Watch Districts in the Cambridgeshire Police Force area.

This structure gives us the flexibility to match the diversity of our districts whilst providing the unity needed to achieve the national aims of supporting safer and stronger communities. Whilst the districts have considerable flexibility in how they manage their individual and diverse areas, they are ultimately answerable to the Force Association and in turn the Force Association is answerable to National Neighbourhood Watch. This ensures that there are shared aims and objectives across the Force Areas and the country. As a consequence there is a common structure of support and management for all members irrespective of the district they are in led by Nationally set agendas, standards and policies.