Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Avoid Being Caught Out (on the Internet)

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To avoid getting caught up in a hoax / scam, the simplest practice to adopt is : –

  • Never go to a web-site offered by a link in the text of the message.   If its a finacial topic, your bank will never send you an email directing you to their web-site for some pretext urgent reason.
  • If you have decided to go to the web-site –  Never sign in on a link to get to your personal details or to get to your bank, building society or credit/debit card account details.   This is likely to be a fake web-site with the operator just waiting to capture your login ID and password in order to get at your account to transfer your funds elswhere.

The latest virus checker and Internet protection software products can also provide a warning of a potential hoax scam if you try to open an attached document or click on a link to a web-site (which is likely to be fake using an unregistered URL location address).