Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Cambridgeshire Structure-Fenland


The National Neighbourhood Watch Network (NWN), based in London, supports Force Level Associations in matters that affect Neighbourhood Watch and its wider agenda. It identifies, sources or delivers relevant training, funding, and developments to build capacity and support Force Level Associations.

Fenland Alert Database Structure

Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (CNWA) is the Force Association for the whole of the Cambridgeshire Constabulary Area. The purpose of CNWA is to bring all the districts within Cambridgeshire together under one collective umbrella. CNWA is led by an executive committee which consists of up to three members from each of the six districts within the Cambridgeshire force area. Our Force Association provides support for local leadership, strategic direction, advice, governance and guidance to all the districts within the force area for the benefit of our members, community partners and the public.

Fenland Neighbourhood Watch is the overarching organisation for the local Neighbourhood Watch schemes/watches that have been set up in Fenland.

The District Association provides schemes and members with local support, advice and direction so that:

  • New schemes are helped to set up (guide the new coordinators through the process).
  • Existing schemes and coordinators are supported – this can be through providing signage and window stickers; training; attending local events; developmental help.
  • Localised enquiries generated by members of the public, members, coordinators and partners are responded to, in a professional way.
  • The district adheres to the CNWA constitution and national standards and ethics policies.
  • They achieve tangible outcomes to projects that can be measured at a local and Force Area level.
  • A clear understanding of the issues affecting their local areas is attained and that they work closely with police and partners to achieve this.
  • Coordinators are encouraged to demonstrate and promote the highest standards of behaviour.
  • Coordinators and other local people involved in Neighbourhood Watch are representative of the local people in the area.
  • A clear direction is given to coordinators.
  • A broad range of partnership activity is promoted to prevent crime in high crime areas.
  • Coordinators and members are known to their district leads.
  • Encourage the use of our toolkits and other resources to deliver national and local campaigns