Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Car Theft Increasing

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According to the DVLA, constabularies across the UK recorded 98,730 vehicle thefts in 2022. That means a vehicle is stolen somewhere in the UK about every five minutes, at a national average rate of 146.63 per 100,000 population.

The increase in car thefts has been attributed to a variety of factors, including the rising value of certain types of vehicles, a rise in organized crime groups involved in vehicle theft, and the increasing use of technology by criminals to steal vehicles.

If your car is stolen, you might be to learn that around 72% of them are never found or returned to their owners. Most of the unreturned cars don’t have GPS and are quite popular, making them challenging for police to identify.

If you want to track any vehicle in case it gets lost, simply install tracking devices and a transmitter. The geographic location is transmitted from the satellites to the receiver, which might be in your phone or computer.

According to a report on GPS tracking devices, you can see your vehicle’s travel distance, movement, and exact coordinates. The best part is that most GPS trackers will work even when your car is off. It can also work without an internet connection. According to the Tracker Network UK, owners who fit their vehicles with GPS recovery services had a 95% recovery rate.

Neighbourhood Watch has provided resources to help prevent car theft here.