Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behavior refers to any actions or behaviors that disrupt or harm society and the people around us. It can include a wide range of actions, such as vandalism, littering, harassment, aggressive behavior, noise pollution, drug use, and more.

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Reporting Crime to the Police

Reporting incidents to the police is very important for a number of reasons. To help you report anti-social behaviour more effectively , we have provided a log book to record incidents. Although aimed at ASB this booklet may also Read more


Cambridgeshire Structure – East Cambridgeshire

The National Neighbourhood Watch Network (NWN), based in London, supports Force Level Associations in matters that affect Neighbourhood Watch and its wider agenda. It identifies, sources or delivers relevant training, funding, and developments to build capacity and support Force Read more


Making this a Better Place

Neighbourhood Watch Logo

We asked over 13,000 people what they thought of us, and they said “NEIGHBOURLY, COMMUNITY-FOCUSED and INFORMATIVE”. The vast majority of members said that we are effective in preventing crime, contributing to community health and wellbeing, supporting the vulnerable Read more


Hoax Calls to 999

Within a two week period, police call handlers recorded 31 hoax calls to 999. Sadly, this means that the response to genuine emergencies is delayed as operators are tied up dealing with the inappropriate calls. 

999 should only be Read more


Community Safety Charter

The Community Safety Charter is a means by which Neighbourhood Watch members, local residents, businesses, and organisations, agree to do whatever they can together to provide an environment that is safer for everyone. Read more

East Cambridgeshire Local Policing Area

Information on which wards are included in this local policing area and the Association Representative(s). Read more
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