Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

How to Launch a NW Scheme or Group

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Launching a new Neighbourhood Scheme or Group is in fact exceptionally easy. 

Firstly you need to talk with the neighbours :

  • Point out the usefulness and advantages of joining NHW and obtain their agreement to join the Group.
  • Provide them with the details of the National website at
  • They can click on the Join Us button on the home page to join Neighbourhood Watch.
  • There us also a link on the home page to join a local scheme.
  •  If you think you need them, we can then supply various guidance on NW recommended straightforward ‘Do’s and Don’ts on Distraction Burglary, Rogue Traders and Scams etc and of course access to NW Membership window stickers for those who want them.
  • Given an enthusiastic level of interest, you might wish to meet with your Group from time to time at brief evening liaison meetings with the local police Safer Neighbourhood Team (not normal except when perhaps special local problems may suddenly develop).   However the Neighbourhood Panels chaired by the police and / or County officials every quarter will often suffice for most of your members.
  • The most useful service you can offer your neighbours is to ensure they are entirely clear on “How to Call for Police Assistance” in different situations, both Emergency and Non-Emergency.   Having to hand an easy reference to the standard phone nos. on which to call the police for assistance is invaluable to each household.   A useful vehicle is to publish these perhaps in a regular village / parish Newsletter.
  • Finally, you can consider whether you would need a NW Street-sign or two placed on a lamp-post near your Group (they are not essential and cost only £12 ).

Getting involved or setting up a Group
If you’re interested in getting involved with a Neighbourhood Watch group – you can join Cambridgeshire NW by clicking on the Join Us link at the top of the page.

If you would like to set up a group in your area or whether you might like to set one up in your own immediate neighbourhood.  Talk to your neighbours to gauge interest (just one or two may be appropriate to start with) and then make contact with us.

Whether you attract interest from a lot of households or only a few, you should be able to set up an effective group. Neighbourhood Watch groups often start small and then grow as people see what they’re about and want to get involved. All it takes is for a few energetic people to set the ball rolling.

Once you have joined you may be surprised at how much it changes life in your area. You’ll probably find yourself talking more to your neighbours and to local agencies and businesses. You’ll not only feel more connected to the life around you, but be showing others, especially the most vulnerable, that you’re looking out for them and that they’re not alone. You’ll discover that, together, your activities will strengthen your community, and that when the community is united, you’re not just safer, but happier and able to achieve much more.

Why not get started now?

More support is available from our National Site is here which will open in a new tab on your browser.