Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Police and Neighbourhood Watch Framework

After some considerable work and negotiating with some individual police forces, senior offices and the National Police Chiefs Council we have agreed and signed off a liaison framework between Police Forces and local Neighbourhood Watch. The framework between Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (CNWA) and Cambridgeshire Constabulary will be used to review and maintain good communication locally between CNWA and the police.

Cambridgeshire Police agree to: –

  1. Actively support and assist the Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association and its members across Cambridgeshire.
  2. Nominate a strategic lead to have responsibility for supporting the development and implementation of Neighbourhood Watch across Cambridgeshire.
  3. Provide a single point of contact (SPOC) to liaise with the Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association and the Neighbourhood Watch Network.
  4. Ensure that Cambridgeshire’s Neighbourhood Policing Teams forge and maintain links with Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and Scheme Coordinators.
  5. Provide timely and relevant information to the Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association and Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.
  6. Consult with the Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association on relevant issues that are likely to affect Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch and its membership.
  7. Support the Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association to promote Neighbourhood Watch and recruit new members.
  8. Put into place if not already, an information sharing protocol.

This work began in 2022 ago in response to many Associations and groups saying that the levels of communication and liaison between themselves and the police was poor. The framework provides expectations and clarity on liaison both ways and it will be important that we fulfil our half of the framework if we want the police to fulfil theirs. The expectations are set out below.