Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Procedure for Association Grant Applications

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1.  All applications must be made on the Application Form and are to be sent to the Honorary Treasurer, preferably by email, who will log them and conduct a preliminary check that the information provided is complete. Any applications that are deemed incomplete will be returned to the originator for the missing information to be supplied.

Any queries should be sent to the Treasurer by email or contact your District representative.

  1. An Applications Scrutiny Sub-Committee is to assess claims and agree disbursements. This sub-committee will meet as soon as practical after receipt of complete applications and at least quarterly.
  2. The Sub-Committee is to comprise three Trustees of Cambridgeshire NHW, including at least one of the Officers.
  3. Should any member of the Sub-Committee identify any conflict of interest connected with an Application, they shall withdraw from the process.   Another Trustee will be appointed in their place by the Treasurer.
  4. All applications are to be assessed against the following agreed criteria : –
  • The disbursed funds are to be used in accordance with the CNWA Exec Committee objectives as noted in the Constitution and on this website.
  • Funding is to be approved only for those NW projects / events where approaches for other sources of funding have been shown to have failed to provide the total amount needed.
  • Awards will not normally exceed £200.
  • Applications for funding may be approved for any NW Group only once during a rolling 12 month period.
  • Funding to support routine expenditure including the provision of refreshments at NW meetings/ events will not be approved.
  1. If the Applications Scrutiny Sub-Committee cannot deliver a unanimous decision, the application will be referred to a full meeting of the Executive Group.   A simple majority vote by the Executive Group will be final.
  2. The Sub-Committee is to report back to the CNWA Executive Committee at its next meeting.   The report shall include the number of funding applications received, the number accepted/rejected, and shall state which criteria were met by the approved applications.

The report shall identify the locations of successful applicants’ NW Schemes.   It will be appended to the formal minutes of the meeting that will subsequently be posted on this website.

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