Street signs are a great way of showing that your community cares about preventing crime.Each individual scheme is responsible for deciding where to hang signs, for putting up the signs securely and for maintaining them. Sign Location and Fitting formal planning permission should not be required to fit new signs which comply with the 1992 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations.
Check with your Association about local regulations before putting signs up.Notify your local authority as to the location of each sign and ensure that any fixing equipment complies with their regulations. In Cambridgeshire, we have prior agreements with the local authority as to the type and fitting of each sign and how to obtain the necessary permissions. These are described in Street Signs for Schemes – Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (
Please take note that there is a Health and Safety procedure that must be undertaken before commencing any work on lamp posts. This is described in
All recognised Neighbourhood Watch schemes following the conditions and limitations below,in line with local policy, will be covered by Public Liability Insurance, free of charge.